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Chinese translation for "sketch map"


Related Translations:
sketch:  n.1.草图,粗样,略图;素描,速写;草稿。2.概略,大意,大要,纲领。3.短篇作品,小品文〔如特写、随笔、见闻录等〕。4.(滑稽)短剧;独幕剧;短曲、短小器乐曲〔尤指钢琴曲〕。5.滑稽;丑态。短语和例子I never saw such a sketch. 从来没有见过这种丑态。 make a sketch 速写,画草图。vt.1.给…绘草图;给…作速写。2.草拟,拟订;记
hot sketch:  〔美俚〕漂亮女人[女学生]。
pencil sketch:  铅笔画;草图。
sketch book:  n.速写簿;小品文集,短文集,随笔集。
sketch block:  n.速写素描簿。
mapping:  n.【数学】映像,映射。
map:  MAP =Military Aid Program 〔美国〕军事援助计划。n.1.地图;天体图;图。2.〔美俚〕脸,面孔。3.〔美俚〕(染色体上基因排列的)遗传图。短语和例子off the map 〔口语〕不重要的;消失的;过时的;陈腐的。 on the map 〔口语〕存在的;重要的;有名的,占显著地位的,起主要作用的。 put oneself on the map 发生
Example Sentences:
1.B . diffluence plate sketch map as the planform
B .分流板示意图为俯视图。
2.Sketch map of the system structure
3.And the phrase circuit and program sketch map are given
4.Installation sketch map - changmao
产品安装示意图- changmao
5.Colligate frame sketch map
6.Installation sketch map
7.Programming of cartoon for ordinary weather sketch map in tv weather forecast
8.Line sketch map
9.Of the number of stalls planned for the hpa , with their distribution shown on a sketch map
10.We have just spent twenty minutes poring over a sketch map showing the red army ' s forced crossing of the chishui river
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